Select Publications Competing Gridlock Models and Status Quo Policies J Woon, IP Cook, Political Analysis, 2015Security decision support challenges in data collection and use, I Cook, S Pfleeger IEEE Security & Privacy 8 (3), 28-35, 2010Content and context: Three essays on information in politics, IP Cook, University of Pittsburgh, 2016A Methodology for Comparing Costs and Benefits of Management Alternatives for F-22 Sustainment, CR Cook, M Boito, JC Graser, EG Keating, MJ Neumann, IP Cook, RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CA, 2011Partisan Presidential Influence over US Federal Budgetary Outcomes, G Krause, IP Cook, Political Science Research and Methods, 2014Fiscal Performance and US International Influence, CR Neu, Z Mao, IP Cook, RAND CORP ARLINGTON VA NATIONAL SECURITY RESEARCH DIV, 2013Time and punishment: Blame and concession in political standoffs, IP Cook, J Woon, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 174, 435-448, 2020Review of the provision of job placement assistance and related employment services to members of the reserve components, AG Schaefer, NB Carey, L Daugherty, IP Cook, S Case, RAND National Defense Research Institute Santa Monica United States 2015Policy Priorities and Presidential Influence over US Federal Budgetary Outcomes: Evidence from a Statistical Decomposition of Executive Budget Proposals, GA Krause, IP Cook, 2012Getting the Count Right, IP Cook 2008